信用风险管理CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

》信用风险管理CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9780071446600
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-05
  • 页数:373
  • 价格:436.90
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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Credit Risk Management is a comprehensive textbook that looks at the total integrated process for managing credit risk, ranging from the risk assessment of a single obligor to the risk measurement of an entire portfolio.

This expert learning tool introduces the principle concepts of credit risk analysis…explains the techniques used for improving the effectiveness of balance sheet management in financial institutions…and shows how to manage credit risks under competitive and realistic conditions. Credit Risk Management presents step-by-step coverage of:

The Credit Process_discussing the operational practices and structural processes to implement and create a sound credit environment

The Lending Objectives_explaining the credit selection process that is used to evaluate new business, and describing how transaction risk exposure becomes incorporated into portfolio selection risk

Company Funding Strategies_presenting an overview of the funding strategies on some of the more commonly used financial products in the extension of business credit

Company Specific Risk Evaluation_outlining some fundamental credit analysis applications that can be used to assess transactions through the framework of a risk evaluation guide

Qualitative Specific Risk Evaluation_offering additional approaches to risk evaluate a borrower's industry and management

Credit Risk Measurement_defining the role of credit risk measurement, presenting a basic framework to measure credit risk, and discussing some of the standard measurement applications to quantify the economic loss on a transaction's credit exposure

Credit PortfolioManagement_exploring the basic concepts behind credit portfolio management, and highlighting the distinctive factors that drive the management of a portfolio of credit assets compared to a single asset

Credit Rating Systems_analyzing the pivotal role that credit rating systems have come to play in managing credit risk for lenders

The Economics of Credit_showing how the modern credit risk approach

has changed the economics of credit in order to achieve

more profitable earnings and maintain global stability in the financial markets Filled with a wide range of study aids, Credit Risk Management is today's best guide to the concepts and practices of modern credit risk management, offering practitioners a detailed roadmap for avoiding lending mishaps and maximizing profits.



Chapter I Introduction to credit risk management

Chapter 2 The credit process

Chapter 3 Analyzing the transaction: what are the lending objectives

Chapter 4 Company funding strategies

Chapter 5 Company-specific financial performance

Chapter 6 Company-specific risks: business, industry and management

Chapter 7 Credit risk measurement

Chapter 8 Credit portfolio management

Chapter 9 Credit rating systems

Chapter 10 The economics of credit














作者简介:JoEtta Colquitt is a professor at Mercy College and FT Knowledge and a professional trainer who has worked in higher education, training firms, and Fortune 500 companies. A specialist in financial credit risk training, she has over 20 years of experience in analyzing international transactions, companies, and risk exposure.


Credit Risk Management is a comprehensive textbook that looks at the total integrated process for managing credit risk, ranging from the risk assessment of a single obligor to the risk measurement of an entire portfolio. This expert learning tool introduces the principle concepts of credit risk analysis…explains the techniques used for improving the effectiveness of balance sheet management in financial institutions…and shows how to manage credit risks under competitive and realistic conditions. Credit Risk Management presents step-by-step coverage of: The Credit Process_discussing the operational practices and structural processes to implement and create a sound credit environment The Lending Objectives_explaining the credit selection process that is used to evaluate new business, and describing how transaction risk exposure becomes incorporated into portfolio selection risk Company Funding Strategies_presenting an overview of the funding strategies on some of the more commonly used financial products in the extension of business credit Company Specific Risk Evaluation_outlining some fundamental credit analysis applications that can be used to assess transactions through the framework of a risk evaluation guide Qualitative Specific Risk Evaluation_offering additional approaches to risk evaluate a borrower's industry and management Credit Risk Measurement_defining the role of credit risk measurement, presenting a basic framework to measure credit risk, and discussing some of the standard measurement applications to quantify the economic loss on a transaction's credit exposure Credit Portfolio Management_exploring the basic concepts behind credit portfolio management, and highlighting the distinctive factors that drive the management of a portfolio of credit assets compared to a single asset Credit Rating Systems_analyzing the pivotal role that credit rating systems have come to play in managing credit risk for lenders The Economics of Credit_showing how the modern credit risk approach has changed the economics of credit in order to achieve more profitable earnings and maintain global stability in the financial markets Filled with a wide range of study aids, Credit Risk Management is today's best guide to the concepts and practices of modern credit risk management, offering practitioners a detailed roadmap for avoiding lending mishaps and maximizing profits.


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