The Dragonfly Effect: Quick, Effective, And Powerful Ways To Use Social Media To Drive Social Change(ISBN=9780470614150) 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线
The Dragonfly Effect: Quick, Effective, And Powerful Ways To Use Social Media To Drive Social Change(ISBN=9780470614150)电子书下载地址
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Lots of books teach the mechanics of using Facebook, Twitter,
and YouTube. Some explain how to use these and other tools to
compete in business. But no book addresses one of the biggest
desires among 18-34 year olds: how to harness the incredible power
of the new social media to make a difference, to do something that
"really" matters.The goal of this book is simple: to help you
achieve a singular goal by harnessing social media. To create
political change, the way the Obama campaign did. To foster
economic justice by making micro-loans easily available, the way
Kiva has done. To save the life of a friend diagnosed with cancer.
In all these cases, there is a single, measurable goal. You may not
have money but you have the energy and focus. And you are wondering
how to use social media to achieve your goal--allowing you to do so
more quickly, effectively, and powerfully.The Dragonfly Effect is
what happens when you coordinate four small activities to produce
big results. It's named after the only insect that is able to move
in any direction--with tremendous speed and force--when its four
wings are working in concert. This book will teach you four key
skills, explain how to coordinate them, and show you how to harness
them to the social media to achieve disproportionate results.Part I
presents the story that led to the Power of Social Technology class
at Stanford, showing all four "wings" of The Dragonfly Effect
working together. Part II will teach you each of the four skills.
It's illustrated with examples and includes practical tips from the
social technologists who engineered the Obama campaign, the
founders of Kiva and eBay's World of Good, story-tellers from Pixar
and leaders from Facebook, Twitter and Google. Part III is your
Dragonfly Toolkit, which will get you started on using all the most
important social media tools without having to read a whole book
about each of them. It's got Andy's Cheat Sheets, specifically
designed for people who are not at all technically
proficient.Linked to this book you'll find a website where you can
find a community of other readers, like you, who will share their
experiences, tools, and other resources. It will keep you updated
on new ways to use the power of social technology to improve the
life of just one individual or cultivate social change.
"The Dragonfly Effect" shows how to tap social media and
consumer psychological insights to achieve a single, concrete goal.
The text features original case studies of global organizations to
demonstrate how they achieve social good and customer loyalty.
Lots of books teach the mechanics of using Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Some explain how to use these and other tools to compete in business. But no book addresses one of the biggest desires among 18-34 year olds: how to harness the incredible power of the new social media to make a difference, to do something that "really" matters.The goal of this book is simple: to help you achieve a singular goal by harnessing social media. To create political change, the way the Obama campaign did. To foster economic justice by making micro-loans easily available, the way Kiva has done. To save the life of a friend diagnosed with cancer. In all these cases, there is a single, measurable goal. You may not have money but you have the energy and focus. And you are wondering how to use social media to achieve your goal--allowing you to do so more quickly, effectively, and powerfully.The Dragonfly Effect is what happens when you coordinate four small activities to produce big results. It's named after the only insect that is able to move in any direction--with tremendous speed and force--when its four wings are working in concert. This book will teach you four key skills, explain how to coordinate them, and show you how to harness them to the social media to achieve disproportionate results.Part I presents the story that led to the Power of Social Technology class at Stanford, showing all four "wings" of The Dragonfly Effect working together. Part II will teach you each of the four skills. It's illustrated with examples and includes practical tips from the social technologists who engineered the Obama campaign, the founders of Kiva and eBay's World of Good, story-tellers from Pixar and leaders from Facebook, Twitter and Google. Part III is your Dragonfly Toolkit, which will get you started on using all the most important social media tools without having to read a whole book about each of them. It's got Andy's Cheat Sheets, specifically designed for people who are not at all technically proficient.Linked to this book you'll find a website where you can find a community of other readers, like you, who will share their experiences, tools, and other resources. It will keep you updated on new ways to use the power of social technology to improve the life of just one individual or cultivate social change.
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